Lifeswall Author | July 24, 2023
eMbRaCiNg tHe cIrClE Of lIfE In yOuR 50’s: A JoUrNeY Of rEfLeCtIoN AnD ReNeWaL
In the grand symphony of life, we find ourselves arriving at the harmonious age of 50, where the echoes of our past meet the promise of our future. As we embark on this momentous milestone, it becomes evident that life truly comes a full circle. It is a period of profound reflection, transformation, and renewal,……
Lifeswall Author | June 1, 2023
a nOtE tO soMeOnE SPeCiaL
I am not much of a socialite and recently I had the chance to write to an old friend. Old because I’ve not kept in touch, and opportunity because the friend wrote to me: “How are you? How have you been?” Well, I wrote back, not one line, but a lot; well that’s just me!……
Lifeswall Author | May 1, 2023
On a rainy, windy, Saturday, while sipping a hot cup of chocolate, at my window I sat, musing over how I felt away, far far away. It’d been since the “Return of Superman” that my eyes had awed at the silver screen and my ears had echoed at the Dolby. Alas, I could not stand……
Lifeswall Author | April 1, 2023
We are all manufacturers – some make good, others make trouble, and still others make excuses. Excuses are around every corner. Some heard, some seen, some felt. Several excuses are always less convincing than one. If you don’t want to do something, one excuse is as good as another. How strange to use “You only……
Lifeswall Author | March 1, 2023
tHe cHaNgE
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. That’s written, said, discussed and followed. Nowadays change is around every corner; in my day it was only around the expected ones. Today people think different; like everything else, thoughts have changed. People think that after you’ve done a……
Lifeswall Author | February 1, 2023
mY cOmmiTmeNt tO rEspoNsibiLitiEs
A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his responsibilities, the director of his life. I wish. I wish a man can be a director of his responsibilities and therefore his life follows the script. Alas, I can only be a master-gardener. Responsibilities lie all around. They are like a string……
Lifeswall Author | January 1, 2023
tHe rOAd tO REtiREmEnt!
Retirement! The word reminds me of the song “Green Green Grass of Home”. I wonder what it would be like to work for decades and then suddenly go home one fine day; never to go through the rush hour ever again. That’s when you return from work one day and say, “Hi, Darling, I’m home……
Lifeswall Author | December 1, 2022
The moment when you first wake up in the morning is the most wonderful of the twenty-four hours. No matter how weary or dreary you may feel, if you possess the certainty that, during the day that lies before you, absolutely anything may happen. And if you feel that, it practically always doesn’t. However the……
Lifeswall Author | November 1, 2022
deAlinG wiTh cHiLdrEn aT tHe woRkplAce
I know that in every real man a child is hidden that wants to play. However dealing with that child at the workplace is quite a predicament. Everyone in your team is a child, especially when you’ve grey hair. Just as children have expectations of their parents, you’d find many fluttering around at the workplace……
Lifeswall Author | October 1, 2022
liSten tO wHat iSn’t bEing sAid aNd sAy whiLst bEing silEnt
While we know that hearing constitutes 20% of our humanly senses, gifted to the most of us by virtue of being born, we seldom realize its importance. We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. They say that Lenin could listen so intently that he……