a nOtE tO soMeOnE SPeCiaL

I am not much of a socialite and recently I had the chance to write to an old friend. Old because I’ve not kept in touch, and opportunity because the friend wrote to me: “How are you? How have you been?”

Well, I wrote back, not one line, but a lot; well that’s just me! Here’s a quote-unquote…

I’m around. Waiting for the future to give me something new; recollecting the past; living each day as it comes. Seeing young folks growing up and taking newer responsibilities at work.

I’m not much of a socialite and love to remain with my memoirs at all those times when I’m not with my family. Thanks to my flexible timing at office, I get to spend every evening with them. That’s something I cherish the most out of my “today’s” life (lifestyle). During all those evenings, I’ve taught my son how to fly kites, how to enjoy the breeze while cycling, how to sit and paint the birds you see around you, how to play cricket with a season ball, and how to listen to the sound of silence (you’d be surprised to know that he meditates; children do not do that quite often; but his aunt who goes to Brahmakumari’s has influenced him).
You know, when an individual reflects deep in thought and brings back memoirs from the past, there are just those few of life’s visuals that come forth. They may be in any part of your memory, deep within or at the surface, but those very few, are the ones that almost always inevitably reflect. In my memoirs, you and Sandeep never cease to make it to the forefront. (Happy Smiley…).
I wished I had the ability to get on a plane and come to US for some project or another. Would have loved to spend a couple of days there; experience how it’s like living in the US. Maybe some day when I get over this stupid phobia.
It was good to hear your voice a while ago; Do keep in touch at times just for a “Hi”.


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